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Driving Sustainability in the Luxury Sector: SmartStamp’s Commitment to the Luxury Traceability and Transparency Research Index Joint Initiative with E4S (IMD, EPFL, UNIL)

We are thrilled to announce that Smart­Stamp has become a proud par­tic­i­pant in a ground­break­ing pri­vate-pub­lic aca­d­e­m­ic ini­tia­tive called the Lux­u­ry Trace­abil­i­ty and Trans­paren­cy Research Index. This world’s first lux­u­ry trans­paren­cy index is a project of The Swiss Cen­ter for Lux­u­ry Research (SCLR) and Orig­i­nAll, through an E4S (IMD, EPFLUNIL) ini­tia­tive. This spir­it­ed effort brings togeth­er indus­try lead­ers, aca­d­e­m­ic experts, and pub­lic stake­hold­ers to fos­ter sus­tain­abil­i­ty and pos­i­tive change in the lux­u­ry sector.

As a com­pa­ny ded­i­cat­ed to com­bat­ing coun­ter­feit­ing and empow­er­ing cre­atives in the art, design, and col­lectibles sec­tor, Smart­Stam­p’s mis­sion aligns close­ly with the ESG chal­lenges faced by the lux­u­ry indus­try. By join­ing this ini­tia­tive, we gain access to a net­work of like-mind­ed orga­ni­za­tions, acad­e­mia, and thought lead­ers in the lux­u­ry space, enabling us to share insights and imple­ment the best, inno­v­a­tive solutions.

Through inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research and col­lab­o­ra­tion, Smart­Stamp aims to address sus­tain­abil­i­ty chal­lenges in the lux­u­ry indus­try and set bench­marks for oth­er sec­tors, includ­ing fine art and design. In our era of con­scious con­sumerism where trans­paren­cy is para­mount, we lever­age tech­nol­o­gy to sup­port artists and help ecosys­tem stake­hold­ers col­lect more respon­si­bly, con­tribut­ing to the shift towards a more sus­tain­able and eth­i­cal pre­mi­um goods marketplace.

We are excit­ed about the oppor­tu­ni­ties this ini­tia­tive presents. Togeth­er, we can make a dif­fer­ence and shape a more sus­tain­able future. Explore Smart­Stam­p’s tech­no­log­i­cal solu­tions and dis­cov­er how you can con­tribute to cre­at­ing a trans­par­ent and more equi­table market.

We invite you to con­nect with us to learn more about our ini­tia­tives and find out how you can get involved!

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