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Value Your Art

SmartStamp is the mobile app to authenticate and manage artworks, providing digital passports for collectibles with biometric surface scan.


The Digital Artwork Passport

Smart­Stamp uses non-inva­sive fin­ger­print­ing tech­nol­o­gy to cap­ture unique sur­face details, mak­ing the art­work ver­i­fi­able, sim­i­lar to Face ID for art­works, and reg­is­ters it on the blockchain for secure future verification.

What You Can Do

Prove Authenticity

by scan­ning the artwork’s sur­face to ver­i­fy its authen­tic­i­ty with­out any inva­sive intervention.

Track Provenance

by using a dig­i­tal pass­port that records own­er­ship changes, ensur­ing a tam­per-proof history.

Manage Collections

by orga­niz­ing and access­ing your art­works through a seam­less, inte­grat­ed mobile app.

Future-proof Collections

by cre­at­ing a dig­i­tal record that val­i­dates your col­lec­tion as reli­able assets for man­age­ment, trans­ac­tions, and long-term preservation.

“Creating a common language between artists, collectors and institutions.”

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