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Smart tech for the art world

SmartStamp is the pioneering new standard in identification and authentication for the art world that combines secure, environmentally sustainable, and easy-to-use technology.

Smart­Stamp is the ulti­mate solu­tion for authen­ti­cat­ing art and col­lectibles. Devel­oped over a decade, our patent­ed, AI tech­nol­o­gy cre­ates a unique ‘fin­ger­print’ that links phys­i­cal objects to the dig­i­tal realm. Sim­i­lar to bio­met­rics used for human iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, our tech­nol­o­gy cap­tures unique fea­tures that can­not be cloned, ensur­ing tam­per-proof authen­ti­ca­tion and a new lev­el of secu­ri­ty and trust for the art and col­lectibles sector.

By link­ing object bio­met­rics to an NFT, our solu­tion unlocks a range of dig­i­tal and vir­tu­al ser­vices such as web3 inte­gra­tion, smart con­tract artist roy­al­ties, and more. Using our app is easy – take pho­tos of your object with your macro lens smart­phone and our ground­break­ing secu­ri­ty and blockchain time­stamp­ing tech­nol­o­gy will take care of the rest.

Swiss com­pa­ny, Smart­Stamp is found­ed and led by fig­ures at the fore­front of both the art world and uni­ver­si­ty tech­nol­o­gy depart­ment chairs, bring­ing deep exper­tise to address the needs of artists, col­lec­tors, insti­tu­tions, and brands in authen­ti­cat­ing, pro­tect­ing, and pre­serv­ing cul­tur­al objects and her­itage. Smart­Stamp AG is incor­po­rat­ed in Kreu­zlin­gen, Switzerland.

Devel­oped over more than a decade, SmartStamp’s app uses patent­ed AI tech­nol­o­gy that is designed to read and record art­works’ sur­face char­ac­ter­is­tics– offer­ing artists, col­lec­tors, insti­tu­tions, and all arts and cul­ture stake­hold­ers a way to secure­ly and immutably link phys­i­cal objects to their dig­i­tal fin­ger­prints on the blockchain. Using the Smart­Stamp app is as sim­ple as tak­ing a pic­ture, mak­ing the ground­break­ing secu­ri­ty and time­stamp­ing pow­er of blockchain tech­nol­o­gy acces­si­ble to any­one who can use a smartphone.

Swiss com­pa­ny, Smart­Stamp is found­ed and led by fig­ures at the fore­front of both the art world and tech­nol­o­gy, bring­ing deep exper­tise to address the needs of artists, col­lec­tors, insti­tu­tions, and oth­er orga­ni­za­tions in authen­ti­cat­ing, pro­tect­ing, and pre­serv­ing cul­tur­al objects and her­itage. Smart­Stamp AG and its affil­i­at­ed tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies, Ori­gin­Stamp AG and Dynam­ic Ele­ment AG, are incor­po­rat­ed in Kreu­zlin­gen, Switzerland.

Use Cases

Artists & Artists Estates

Pro­vide a reli­able and immutable proof of authen­tic­i­ty to buy­ers. Even mint these cer­tifi­cates into NFTs with our smart con­tract for sec­ondary mar­ket cre­ator royalties.


Safe­guard invest­ments by ensur­ing the authen­tic­i­ty of acquired art­works and ensure your valu­able object is not swapped if it goes out on loan.

Registrars, Conservators & Art Logistics

Ensure accu­rate iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of incom­ing / out­go­ing objects. Inte­grate into your sys­tems data­bas­es with our enter­prise API to stream­line iden­ti­fi­ca­tion along entire trans­port route.

Galleries, Art Fairs, Auction Houses & Museums

Enhance cred­i­bil­i­ty and attract more buy­ers with tam­per proof cer­tifi­cates of authen­tic­i­ty. Ensure accu­rate iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of incom­ing / out­go­ing objects and cre­ate immutable object doc­u­men­ta­tion for indis­putable his­to­ry and provenance.

How the app works

1. Take an overview image of the artwork

Take, or upload from your phone, an overview pho­to of your art­work, plus a detail view. The overview pho­to will be used for your artwork’s next-gen Cer­tifi­cate of Authenticity.

2. Select an area to scan and register a fingerprint

The area you scan will be 0.5 cm². Smart­Stamp uses mul­ti-dimen­sion­al dynam­ic iden­ti­ty AI and deep learn­ing net­works tech­nol­o­gy to ana­lyze and ver­i­fy pat­terns based on a small defined area. Up to 1,000 nodal points are ana­lyzed. This image analy­sis is con­vert­ed into a math­e­mat­i­cal for­mu­la — num­bers in a code. This code is like the unique struc­ture of a human fin­ger­print. You can cre­ate up to four fin­ger­prints per object. Cre­ate a loca­tion pin where each fin­ger­print is locat­ed on the pho­to of the object. The fin­ger­prints are uploaded to a cloud for future ver­i­fi­ca­tion from any­where with net­work access.

3. Integrated blockchain event log

Sit back and relax on this step because Smart­Stamp auto­mat­i­cal­ly records every inter­ac­tion of the dig­i­tal fin­ger­print­ing process with our immutable, blockchain event log technology.

4. Verify fingerprint

Using your loca­tion pin find­er, hov­er over the fingerprint’s gen­er­al area to ver­i­fy the unique fin­ger­print using our dynam­ic recog­ni­tion AI tech­nol­o­gy in real-time.

5. Create a Next Gen Certificate of Authenticity

Smart­Stamp will gen­er­ate a next-gen Cer­tifi­cate of Authen­tic­i­ty (see COA exam­plefor your art­work. This includes a QR code to view the com­plete immutable, blockchain event log that records every inter­ac­tion of each dig­i­tal fingerprint’s reg­is­tra­tion and ver­i­fi­ca­tion and a QR code that opens the Smart­Stamp app to ver­i­fy the dig­i­tal fin­ger­prints. Ver­i­fy or down­load the Cer­tifi­cate of Authen­tic­i­ty. Not ready to issue a cer­tifi­cate? Down­load a receipt of deliv­ery to send to a tem­po­rary cus­to­di­an so you can ver­i­fy the object upon return. You can add your own logo to the cer­tifi­cate in the blank upper right space. Eas­i­ly email the cer­tifi­cate or export your entire object record by shar­ing the Smart­Stamp QR code with anoth­er user. Push the COA to your sys­tems files, a blockchain reg­istry, or mint them into NFTs with our smart con­tract for sec­ondary mar­ket cre­ator roy­al­ties. That’s smart tech. That’s SmartStamp!


Any tech­nol­o­gy that enables an artist to archive and record what they have made will pre­vent coun­ter­feit­ing and ensure there is a high stan­dard of ver­i­fied authen­tic­i­ty. With this type of tool in their hands, it empow­ers an artist to run an inven­to­ry far eas­i­er and reli­ably. It gives every­one involved from their col­lec­tors to their deal­ers peace of mind know­ing that what is pass­ing into their hands will always be authen­tic. I think that Smart­Stamp is help­ing solve an arts indus­try prob­lem of fakes, as well as pro­vid­ing a tech­nol­o­gy that is easy and fast to use. It was in part due to my dis­pute and pre­ven­tion of future theft that I began the ardu­ous task of cre­at­ing an inven­to­ry of all my works, and Smart­Stamp is a great tool to ensure that there is always a dig­i­tal record or sig­na­ture that can­not be repli­cat­ed and there­fore is unique to the art­work. I gen­uine­ly believe we are at the thresh­old of a rev­o­lu­tion­ary dig­i­tal age and blockchain tech­nol­o­gy, along­side arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence with all its adap­ta­tions, are impor­tant pil­lars of the 4th Indus­tri­al Age. Those who don’t adapt will be left behind. 

Gor­don Che­ungInter­na­tion­al­ly Acclaimed Artist

After con­sult­ing one of the lead­ing con­ser­va­tors we work with, who had a pos­i­tive and user-friend­ly expe­ri­ence with the Smart­Stamp App, we will now begin to pilot this break­through AI-dri­ven dig­i­tal fin­ger­print­ing tech­nol­o­gy to cre­ate phys­i­cal-to-dig­i­tal links for select­ed works of art. All object and fin­ger­print inter­ac­tions are writ­ten into a blockchain event log — cre­at­ing an immutable, life-long his­to­ry, while main­tain­ing absolute object and client con­fi­den­tial­i­ty. Oth­er win­ning fea­tures of this sus­tain­able and scal­able solu­tion are that it elim­i­nates the need to add poten­tial­ly dam­ag­ing phys­i­cal tags. 

Har­co van den Oev­erFounder and CEO, Over­stone Art Serv

Hav­ing the chance to pro­vide a dig­i­tal cer­tifi­cate of authen­ti­ca­tion to my col­lec­tors is some­thing I’m def­i­nite­ly inter­est­ed in and Smart­Stamp is an easy-to-use App for that. Also, even if I’m not ready to explore any cre­ative NFT yet, I’m intrigued about link­ing my paint­ings to a NFT smart con­tract that allows me to receive roy­al­ties in the future. 

Emilio PerezInter­na­tion­al­ly Acclaimed Artist

Smart­Stamp is a great sci­en­tif­ic tool that has been long await­ed to iden­ti­fy an art­work that is hard to con­firm, such as my work that is cre­at­ed with used or found objects that exist in our dai­ly life – and eas­i­ly copied by some­one else. I took this risk to con­vey my con­cept for the last 40 years, but this has not been easy as an artist in this mar­ket ori­ent­ed art­world. At last, I am pleased to work with my friend Juli Cho Bail­er and her Smart­Stamp to use their ground­break­ing AI iden­ti­fi­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy that allows each art­work, even iden­ti­cal mul­ti­ples, to be iden­ti­fied by its macrostruc­ture dig­i­tal fin­ger­print of the art­work itself. Bra­vo, Smart­Stamp for this inno­v­a­tive achieve­ment! This could solve prob­lems sur­round­ing the iden­ti­ty of an art­work that could be fraud­u­lent or his­tor­i­cal­ly ques­tioned that we often have in the art world. 

Kim­soo­jaInter­na­tion­al­ly Acclaimed Artist

I’m very excit­ed about being a part of SmartStamp’s pilot release because I believe that authen­ti­ca­tion and/​or val­i­da­tion is the most sig­nif­i­cant use case for NFTs for the fore­see­able future… I’m try­ing to deliv­er lux­u­ry in a unique­ly dif­fer­ent pack­age to a high­ly evolved con­sumer. But to do this we need to be able to pro­vide our col­lec­tors the same assur­ances as a gallery or badge brand can, and SmartStamp’s dig­i­tal fin­ger­print­ing tech­nol­o­gy accom­plish­es this for us. 

Francine Bal­lardFounder and CEO, Metagolden


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