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SmartStamp as Official Frieze Week Seoul Partner Hosts Acclaimed Artist Kimsooja

Frieze X Smart­Stamp: Patrick Lee, Micaela Gio­van­not­ti, Juli Cho Bail­er, Daniel Birn­baum, Kim­soo­ja, Alexan­dra Munroe, Boris Ver­vo­ordt, Axel Vervoordt

Hap­py Chuseok (Kore­an Har­vest Thanks­giv­ing) from a very grate­ful Smart­Stamp Team just back from Seoul, South Korea, where we part­nered with the glob­al art fair Frieze on our first event. We are indebt­ed to the spir­it­ed col­lab­o­ra­tors across teams and across con­ti­nents to spot­light the artis­tic career and prac­tice of Kim­soo­ja — wide­ly regard­ed as one of the most impor­tant Kore­an Con­cep­tu­al artists of her gen­er­a­tion work­ing internationally.

We are hum­bled by the intel­lect and inspi­ra­tion that was shared dur­ing her artist talk with the leg­endary muse­um direc­tor, cura­tor, and schol­ar, Daniel Birn­baum with a beau­ti­ful and thought­ful intro­duc­tion of Kimsooja’s work by Alexan­dra Munroe, Direc­tor, Cura­to­r­i­al Affairs at the Guggen­heim Abu Dhabi; Senior Cura­tor, Asian Art and Senior Advi­sor, Glob­al Arts at the Solomon R. Guggen­heim Muse­um. Smart­Stamp could not have real­ized this impor­tant talk with­out the sup­port of Kim­soo­ja Stu­dio and her gallery, Axel Ver­vo­ordt Gallery, and of course, the trust and part­ner­ship of the Frieze team.

Thank you – Gam­sa­hab­ni­da – 고맙습니다

As a mis­sion-dri­ven tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny, we val­ue our deep con­nec­tion to the cre­ators that are the very core and essence of the art com­mu­ni­ty. Smart­Stamp goes the extra mile for our Artists-in-Res­i­dence, that is, the artists that work with us, col­lab­o­rate with us, and exchange ideas in a cre­ative think tank style as we con­tin­ue to build the best tech­no­log­i­cal tools to pro­tect their works, IP, and lega­cy. All the while as we work with cut­ting-edge tech, we also want to give artists a plat­form to tell their sto­ries to dif­fer­ent audi­ences through cross-sec­tor engage­ments or dif­fer­ent media, from niche to main­stream television.

We land­ed in Korea a few days before Frieze Seoul opened and we mobi­lized our angels on the ground to bring not one, but two Chosun TV broad­cast­ing crews to spot­light our artist’s booth at the fair and inter­view Kim­soo­ja in her stu­dio. Stay tuned to our social chan­nels as we will share it when it is aired.

Con­tact us to learn more!

An edit­ed ver­sion of the one-hour talk will soon be shared on the artist’s website. 

About the Artist

Kim­soo­ja is the recip­i­ent of numer­ous pres­ti­gious awards and has had major solo exhi­bi­tions and com­mis­sions at the world’s lead­ing muse­ums, includ­ing: Leeum, Sam­sung Muse­um of Art, Seoul, York­shire Sculp­ture Park, Eng­land, Kun­st­mu­se­um Licht­en­stein, Guggen­heim Bil­bao, Mia­mi Art Muse­um, Musée D’Art Mod­erne de Saint Eti­enne, France, Los Ange­les Coun­ty Muse­um of Art, the Hir­sh­horn Muse­um and Sculp­ture Gar­den, Wash­ing­ton DC, the Museo Nacional Cen­tro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Mag­a­sin 3, Stock­holm Kon­sthall, Swe­den, and List Visu­al Arts Cen­ter at MIT, Cam­bridge, to name only a few. She rep­re­sent­ed South Korea at the 55th Bien­nale di Venezia (2013). She is the first woman and non-Euro­pean artist to be hon­ored with a com­mis­sion for cathe­dral win­dows. The Cathé­drale Saint Éti­enne de Metz win­dows will be unveiled on Sep­tem­ber 15, 2022.

Kim­soo­ja was born in 1957 in Taegu, South Korea. She lives and works in New York and Seoul. Full exhi­bi­tion his­to­ry and bio at kim​soo​ja​.com

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