Shirin Abedinirad

Smart­Stamp is curat­ing a web3 project with Shirin Abe­dini­rad for Smart­Stamp X Moon­beam Foun­da­tion X World Art Day X Muse­umWeek 2023.

Artist BIO

In 2002, Shirin began her artis­tic activ­i­ties with paint­ing, lat­er com­plet­ing aca­d­e­m­ic stud­ies in graph­ic design and fash­ion design at Shari­aty Tech­ni­cal Col­lege in Tehran, in which her research focused on in inter­sec­tions between con­cep­tu­al art and fash­ion. Shirin’s the­mat­ic explo­rations are deeply root­ed in her expe­ri­ences grow­ing up in Iran which led her to engage in per­for­mance pieces con­fronting issues of iden­ti­ty, gen­der, social roles, and sex­u­al­i­ty. Since 2012, Shirin prac­tice has focused on video art. It is through mov­ing images that she can best explore notions of self and iden­ti­ty. In both her per­for­mance art and videos, she is both per­former and design­er of her own cos­tumes, props, and mise-en-scène. In 2014, Shirin was select­ed for a one-year schol­ar­ship with Unit­ed Col­ors of Benetton’s Fab­ri­ca Research Cen­tre. Dur­ing her time in Italy, Shirin worked in Fabrica’s Edi­to­r­i­al Depart­ment and pub­lished a book titled Fash­ion & Con­cep­tu­al Art pub­lished by Nazar Pub­li­ca­tion. Shirin has exhib­it­ed her art­works in numer­ous inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­vals, bien­ni­als, and exhi­bi­tions around the world. Cur­rent­ly based in the Unit­ed States, Shirin con­tin­ues to focus on her per­for­mance, instal­la­tion, and video art projects. Iran­ian. Born in 1986 in Tabriz. Cur­rent­ly based in the Unit­ed States.

Images cour­tesy of the artist.