Gordon Cheung

In coop­er­a­tion with the artist, Smart­Stamp authen­ti­cat­ed all of Gor­don Cheung’s paint­ings from his solo show at Almine Rech Paris in July 2022.

Fol­low­ing the break­through case study last sum­mer with the Lon­don FCA-reg­is­tered dig­i­tal asset cus­to­di­an, Digi­vault, to cre­ate a flex­i­ble mod­el for cre­ator roy­al­ties of phys­i­cal art, the authen­ti­cat­ed series of Che­ung paint­ings were mint­ed into NFTs – each rep­re­sent­ing a cer­tifi­cate of authen­tic­i­ty plus the artist’s roy­al­ties for each paint­ing sold when on the sec­ondary mar­ket, mark­ing a rev­o­lu­tion in the art mar­ket for cre­ators to receive roy­al­ties for their phys­i­cal works.

Artist BIO

Gor­don Che­ung is a con­tem­po­rary artist whose work cap­tures the mood of the glob­al col­lapse of civ­i­liza­tion – or a dystopi­an, prophet­ic vision of it – where moral, eco­nom­ic and envi­ron­men­tal crises have spun out of con­trol. Spir­i­tu­al under­tones are bal­anced along­side famil­iar con­tem­po­rary images includ­ing sources from pop­u­lar media, cyber­space, nature, and more recent­ly, from his­tor­i­cal painting.

Born to Chi­nese par­ents, Gor­don Che­ung grad­u­at­ed with a Bach­e­lor of Fine Arts in Paint­ing in 1998 from Cen­tral Saint Mar­tins Col­lege of Art and Design in Lon­don and earned his Mas­ters of Fine Arts in 2001 from the Roy­al Col­lege of Art in Lon­don. Some notable achieve­ments include a com­mis­sion for the Laing Art Solo Award in 2006 and the Arts Coun­cil Eng­land Inter­na­tion­al Art Award in 2003. His work has been fea­tured in sev­er­al solo shows includ­ing at Almine Rech in Paris, Jack Shain­man in New York, Cristea Roberts and Edel Assan­ti in Lon­don, Galerie Adler in Frank­furt; and Uno­sunove Gallery in Rome, among oth­ers. His works are in many pub­lic col­lec­tions, includ­ing the Muse­um of Mod­ern Art New York, the Hir­sh­horn Muse­um in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., and the Roy­al Col­lege of Art in Lon­don. Born 1975 in Lon­don. Lives and works in London.

Images cour­tesy of the artist.